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"A Post Event Adrenaline Junkie" - Rob Casserley

Its October 2021, I have just got into my hotel room in Munich and I am running late.

When Joanne and I set about this podcast we decided we would each record 3 interviews separately and then come together after the fact, to present each other with the extraordinary people we had found.

Rob is one of Jo's interviewees, but something has come up and I agreed to take over, and now I am late. I new why we were interviewing Rob, he is a doctor and mountaineer with a prolific track record but what I didn't know was that he has also rowed nearly all of the Atlantic Ocean, run ultra marathons and directly saved at least one life on Everest.

Rob Casserley on Everest (right)

Robs patience allowed me to catch up and we had a fantastic discussion about Everest and high altitude mountaineering but also about taking control of your life and making things happen from a young age. Rob is the walking embodiment of a growth mindset and a thoroughly engaging speaker.

After I ended the call with Rob I sent Jo a message on WhatsApp: You are going to be gutted you let me do that interview!... I was right.

Rob is a doctor, mountaineer and co-founder of Trek8848 a Himalayan trekking company.

I encourage you to have a listen.


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