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Ordinary People doing Extraordinary Things

Updated: Jul 10, 2022

It started with a conversation over dinner. I have know Joanne a long time, longer than we both care to remember since we met at school which means we are now officially old. We were talking about various adventures and challenges people we both knew had accomplished. Along with a few achievements of our own, (Jo once rollerbladed from Edinburgh to London), we started to wonder if there was a common link. Perhaps the school we attended marinated everyone who went there with some secret sauce?

What better way to find out than by talking to people who have done extraordinary things. We wanted make sure that the people we talked to were relatable - ordinary people, not olympians, or child sports prodigies.

Neither of us have much background in broadcasting. Joanne's background is in charity fund raising and copywriting whilst I'm an airline pilot but given we were going to be talking to people who had circumnavigated to globe by bicycle or stood on the top of the world, surely two educated, relatively IT literate adults could figure out how to put a podcast together?

With the first season now upon us after a year of interviews, edits, re-edits and a pretty steep learning curve, its time to send the shows out into the wild. Over 7 interviews we have started to build our 'extraordinary toolbox'. Ideas and techniques gleaned from our extraordinary guests that we hope everyone can apply to everyday life.

I hope you enjoy listening to the show as much as we enjoyed making it.


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